Review all the information provided by the registrant. You can update any mistyped information by changing it in each box. Click the Approved button to grant access, or click the Denied button to deny access. In any event, both actions will send an email confirmation to the registrant and bcc you.

Remove old registrations that are possible matches for the new registration by checking the Remove Current Resident check box before clicking the Approved button.

Registration Record Issue

The Registration you are trying to review cannot be found. Any of the following may apply:

  • The registration was already reviewed, action taken, and the link has now expired.
  • The registration was deleted.
  • We detected an error and in preserving the security of the website have halted allowing further review without administrator assistance.

If you have any questions regarding this notice, or believe this notice might be in error, please send an email to

New Resident Registration:

Account Number:
First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:
City/State/Zip: ,    
Primary Phone:
Secondary Phone:
Show My Profile:   |   Sign Me Up For Newsletters:
User GUID:
NoAccess Role GUID:
Denied Role GUID:
Resident Role GUID:
Remove Current Resident:
          Delete Registration Request

Possible Registration Match:

User Name:
First Created:
Last Accessed:
User GUID:


This registration has been approved and an email sent to the resident.

Remember, you have up to 72 hours from the time you first received notice of the registration to come back and change your mind and remove your approval to this website.

You can either close this page, or

Good Eye!

This registration has been denied and a nicely worded email sent to the registrant.

Remember, you have up to 72 hours from the time you first received notice of the registration to come back and change your mind and approve access to this website.

You can either close this page, or

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